Medical condition | Teen Ink

Medical condition

May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

School is like a declining medical condition 

Every passing moment feels taken for granted

Piled up work feels like knots in my chest 

Constant projects feels like a no cure disease

School is like a dreadful hospital

Roaming halls with cold plain walls,

The smell so familiar and same to those of a Hospital

Everything is familiar, sitting on 

Rock-like chairs are like waiting on the soft-ish chairs at hospital lobbies , waiting for your name to be called. The people around are filled with

Tired and sad faces. Like those in a sad hospital,

This feeling of dreadfulness 

Just won't stay away from this place.

Parts of it can be good and a great experience, In this medical condition

My goal is to learn about the entire condition

But I thrive to learn about the medical part. I love learning 

Everyday, Medical involves so much learning,

So much  I can't seem to stay away, even if it

 Potentially drains and ruins my brain. 

School is a humbling experience

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