It'll Cost You | Teen Ink

It'll Cost You

May 10, 2024
By Jayjet BRONZE, Palisade, Colorado
Jayjet BRONZE, Palisade, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tin can, begging

Sire, will you spare?

Think ‘bout it for a second

Mega multimillionaire

That green, 28, 29, 30 atomic

Body odor, swore he’s alcoholic

Mind racing but got bands to hand

He pushin’ further, disrespectin’

He reachin’ think he grabbin’

Kick him back, enough harassin’

Dust, and dirt, and rock, and spit

His face covered, his eye split

He stand up, look down, 

Listen child, I know you righteous, know you kind

But I bear this cross, I wear this crown

This has cost you, your mind is misaligned

Thoughts are sinful, you’ll pay the price

Wicked acts will jeopardize

Promised land no guarantee

You should think about how much it costs.

The author's comments:

This is a written poem telling the story of a man meeting a homeless man begging for money on the streets. He refuses to give him money due to his selfishness. The homeless man then reveals himself as God and tells him that his selfishness cost him a spot in heaven. A lesson on the impacts of the choices you make in day-to-day life.

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