Nature At It's Finest | Teen Ink

Nature At It's Finest

May 12, 2024
By Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In shadows cast by memory's light,

You walk the shallow water.

I wander lost in silent night,

For each step I grow ponder.


Longing for your touch, your grace,

Something I cannot have.

Yet you dwell in a distant place,

A place you never laugh.


Whispers of your laughter fade,

Then the sun begins to fall.

As I tread this lonely glade,

I hear your melancholy call.


Echoes of our moments sweet,

No once upon a time.

Now just ghosts, my heart must greet,

You even made me rhyme.


In dreams your presence lingers near,

If only that was life.

But waking up, you disappear,

Stabbing me like a knife.


A phantom haunting every thought,

It makes me stop and think.

A love so deep, yet dearly bought,

I drop and then I sink.


So here I stand, in longing sway,

Waiting for return.

Hoping for the dawn of day,

Only for you I yearn


When you'll return, or I'll find peace,

Something I could not want.

This longing ache may finally cease,

Now I'll start my jaunt.

The author's comments:

This piece inspired me by loss and gain from people.

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