what they will tell you | Teen Ink

what they will tell you

May 14, 2024
By marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“bad hair day?”

“i could never let my acne get that bad”

“your makeup looks too shiny”

“thats a lot of mascara”

“you should get contacts”

“the one piece will look better on you”

“you should try this lipgloss”
“your going to eat that?”

“you should check the calories”

“have you tried a diet?”

“you should try to workout”

“starving yourself is dramatic”

“you just want attention”

“your being annoying”

“why do you talk so much?”

“youre not actually depressed”

“no one was listening”

“why are being so sensitive?”

“what are you doing?”

“why even try?”
“just give up”

“just grow up already”

“its time for you to start acting like an adult”

“you dont matter”

The author's comments:

I wrote this based off of a poem that really spoke out to me.

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