The scream I wont forget | Teen Ink

The scream I wont forget

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

Standing there

in disbelief 

Shocked and in grief

An abrupt sound is heard 

From the water I hear a plop

Leaving a drop in my heart

I place my hands along my cheeks

On the bridge 

On the peak

As bystanders look over

My mind becomes foggy

The world becomes more alive

I feel the surface beneath me 

I see the sky before me

What was once blue like the water

but now reflects a tragic fate

A monotone orange 

mixed with a saddened yellow

oh that poor fellow

My morning walk along the bridge 

will never be the same

For I don't believe my mind 

could ever forget that scream

The author's comments:

This piece is about a piece of art.

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