Summer Storms | Teen Ink

Summer Storms

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

Do you remember I used to always bring a book to the pool?

I never actually read them; I was too busy staring at you

I loved the way your eyes glowed in the sun, golden

The way you’d laugh as if it was something you couldn’t hold in

My flip-flops on the wood, the footprints dripping wet

I wonder if they’re still there, on that decaying deck

Do you hear my voice like a whisper in the breeze?

In the waves of endless summer, in the scorching heat

I can’t think about summer without thinking about you

You always felt like summer did, sweet and blue

I still remember the end, how the storm came, dark days

My towel over my head, looked behind me as I fled

I remember your voice through the thunder, through the screams

How your words felt like iron, crushing me beneath

I remember your eyes, glinting like knives, how they cut

I remember shivering there, in the dark, my twisted gut

I thought I was the bad guy, I thought I messed us up

I thought I was the reason that there was no more “us”

I knew you wanted me to say something, scream the words

But I’m glad that I didn’t, that when I whispered I wasn’t heard

Because, I think, sometimes, things break, they cascade and burn

We’re dreamers, seeing our reflections in the waves of the world 

I think, sometimes, my light glistens and reflects too much

It’s hard when drowning in the water to know who to trust

But, if I remember one thing about summer, it’s that it comes back around

And, if I remember one thing about life, it’s that all that’s lost will be found

In the waves crashing down

The sunset, golden now

We will be found

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