I love... | Teen Ink

I love...

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

I love…

I love playing football

Hearing the  pads clash together


As loud as a elephant

The competitiveness 

Hearing the two teams talk to each other

I love the Rocky mountains

My isolated cabin in Redfeather 

Hearing the colorful birds fly about 

 the campfire 

Smells as good as a fresh smore

Going on hikes and adventures

Exploring further and further

Seeing all the bits color

I love the outdoors

Going on hikes through the forest

The towering pine trees above

Like a never ending maze

I love Hearing all the frantic animals running around

The colorful birds humming and chirping

The dirt getting squished to the ground

Wind whistling through the trees

I love the summer

School’s out 

Hearing the bell ring one last time

The pool’s open

 Smiling sun shining down on me

As hot as a fire

Hating the heat yet loving the warmth

The time flying by like a shooting star

The author's comments:

We made it during English class over three classes.

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