I love | Teen Ink

I love

May 16, 2024
By 90190 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
90190 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love the heart of the Earth

, our home from birth,

Where mountains rise tall and valleys fall ,

A love everlasting

, like rivers that swirl,

  The sky, our blanket,

  vast and deep,

       Painted with clouds, like dreams in sleep,  

Stars twinkle above, like diamonds so bright,

Guiding our way through the darkest of night.

The ocean, a mirror, reflecting the sky, 

With waves like dancers, graceful and agile,

 In its depths, secrets and wonders untold, 

A world of its own, mysterious and bold. And space, the final frontier, so vast, 

Where galaxies swirl and time flies fast, Like a cosmic dance, 

we are but a part,

So let us love this Earth, sky, ocean, and space,

With appreciation and love, in every embrace,

The author's comments:

Its insane how perfect everything is for life on be on Earth.

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