Puzzles And Life | Teen Ink

Puzzles And Life

May 16, 2024
By ZW BRONZE, Timnath Colorado, Colorado
ZW BRONZE, Timnath Colorado, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I reach to pick up

 Another cardboard puzzle piece,

 and feel it 

come to rest

 in my palm.


I look up and

around my noisy basement

and see my parents

 working on Legos nearby.

 I see my crazy kitten

 playing with a toy mouse

 that has lost its tail

He is as fierce as a lion.

 I see my dog

 coming in and out

 of the noisy basement

 whenever he feels like it

Always kind to everything

He is as innocent as a lamb.

I see the sun dancing

Playfully with the clouds

As its light is shown like jewels on the floor.

The sun was a heart of gold.

 When I look down,

 I see my beautiful puzzle

 starting to take shape. 

The soaring eagle on it

 has been completed,

the forest below

 the eagle

 and the cloudy sky 

hiding the sun

 are almost complete.

The sun in the picture seems to be

Playfully fighting with the clouds

 Just a few more pieces

 and then it’s complete.

 I set those last few pieces

 into place 


look at the beautiful puzzle. 

It seemed as if

The eagle was flying

High over a forest

With wind, swooshing

Below its wings

It seemed as if

The eagle was

Sucking  in a breath

To call across the forest

As it flew toward the sunset.

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