I love... | Teen Ink

I love...

May 16, 2024
By 90381 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
90381 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love…

I love playing softball

Feeling My bat in my hands

Swinging towards the yellow blur

Hearing the crack of my metal bat

As loud as thunder

Watching it soar away woooosh

I love playing piano

Hearing the steady notes

Like raindrops against a window

Shifting keys

Reading the staff

Switching from piano to forte 

My fingers dancing across the keys

I love camping

Being with my friends

Sitting by the warm fire

Tasting gooey smores

Smelling the tall pine trees

Looking into the darkness

As bright stars fill the sky 

I love Running

My feet hitting the ground

Feeling the Harsh wind on my face

Pushing past other girls

I am a bullet as I fly towards the finish

Collapsing on the hard ground 

Knowing I did it

I love playing cello

Feeling the long bow in my hand

Playing out the rhythms

Hearing the click of the metronome

Walking on the brightly lit stage

Smiling like the sun 

people loudly applaud 

As the last note rings out

I love Crocheting 

Relaxing in my room

Earbuds in 

Feeling soft yarn between my fingers

The hook in my hands

As my ambitious project starts to come together

Creating something new

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