The Roll of the Tide | Teen Ink

The Roll of the Tide

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

                                                         The Roll of the Tide                      

                                               Ocean waves roll up and down the shore            

                                                              Making little tides                          

                                                                   Roll tide roll                               

                                                     Roll away just like the day before                 

                                                        Making new waves and tides

                                                     Splashing its salty water all over

                                                              The Roll of the Tide 

                                               As it keeps brushing up and down the shore 

                                      In the end of the day we go away from the roll of the sea 

                                               The ocean wave’s goodbye to us as we go

                                                 Like saying goodbye to a dear friend

                                             But it knows another day of sun is coming 

                                    The ocean settles As the night grows over the once blue sky 

                                               Letting the Roll of the Tide roll on       

The author's comments:

this piece is about my love for the ocean and the waves .

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