Broken Arch | Teen Ink

Broken Arch

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I taste fresh air.
Smell the dusty sand being kicked up
Legs were killing me
from all of the hikes we did.
Excited to go back,
I ran ahead

We got to the huge arch
We couldn’t see it,
After all, it was night
We shined our bright flashlights
onto that big arch
We saw it.

. This big arch
eroded from water and air
This hike was great
we couldn’t see anyone else

We could stay quiet
As quiet as a mouse
and listen to the sounds of the night,
The only sound was the crunch of our feet

We could turn our lights off
and look at Orion in the stars.
It was so quiet
I could feel it

My cousins and
My family had so much fun.
Even though our legs were groaning,
We still kept on going.
This was the best hike I have ever gone on.

The author's comments:

This happened not too long ago and was fun to write about.

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