A day in the park | Teen Ink

A day in the park

May 17, 2024
By LognaJackons BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
LognaJackons BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The old smell of the car finally left my nose by the time we were near the middle of the huge  park, we had been walking for a long time, and a long walk was still ahead

 The old  trees around us were completely still, like they were waiting for something to happen

I felt the wind brushing past my legs, still not moving the trees

 everyone around us was staring at their phones, like they weren’t even there

we continued walking towards the water slides and saw less and less people

until we were near the edge of a large lake, deeper than the ocean

we looked out and all we could see was the slight ripple on the water

and the sunlight dancing on the sand under the surface, splashing the rocks around the edge of the lake

The author's comments:

This piece was made for a class, I think it is a good piece and it reflects how lively the park can feel even at its emptiest

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