I love... | Teen Ink

I love...

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I love…

I love sunsets

Seeing the sun go down behind the mountains

Seeing The Horizon Swallowed the Sun Whole

Colors of pink orange and yellow being mixed throughout the sky

Being able to experience the most beautiful time of the day

 blazing with fabulous colors but producing no warmth


I love the ocean

Feeling the cold water rush over my skin

Digging my feet into the sand

Being able to see the endless blue sea

The smell of salt filling my lungs

The sight; the sea is like a sheet of glass

The ocean is my home.


I love God

His peace overcoming my fear

His light showing me the way out of the darkness

His joy fulfilling me

His forgiveness washing me clean

His comforting presence taking the weight off my shoulders


I love real friendships

Having a friend is more than you having a connection with someone

Friendships should be a place of protection, refuge.

The bond between two people that titles them

A place of comfort where things can be shared and kept


I love summer

The sound of flip-flops walking along the hot sidewalk

Although the time flies like a bullet

Humid heat filling the air

Sun; the symbol of symbol of hope, renewal, and divinity

The weather is getting so hot, I might melt!

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