new student, boo student | Teen Ink

new student, boo student

May 17, 2024
By 7566238817 BRONZE, Guliford, North Carolina
7566238817 BRONZE, Guliford, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a new student, 
I have no choice really but to go with the flow, 
Even with my doubts making me feel low,  
I ignored my thoughts, and let my personality show, 
Unlike what my parents see in the morning, thinking I’ll attack them like a crow, 
Eventually my social life begins to grow, 
Except my height that’s been kind of slow, 
I’m enthusiastic to let everyone know, 
After this poem everyone seeing my entrance will say woah, 
Don't question, just help the new student at least seem cool on their first day bro 

The author's comments:

This was based on when I was new, and wanted this poem to make a good impress my first day with everyone and that's where I got the inspiration.

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