In the Future I am | Teen Ink

In the Future I am

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

In the Future I am

Opening a college sport recruiting letter

While also going to a college

That I truly want to go to.

Happy like flowers dancing in the breeze.

Living life and having fun.

In the Future I am

Walking out onto the volleyball court

With my teammates,

Who I am lucky to call friends.

Hearing shoes squeaking

And cheering

From each side of the net.

In the Future I

Achieve my hopes and dreams

Continue to be happy and live life to the fullest,

About as happy as the sun on a bright day.

And continue to always work hard at what I do.

In the Future I am

Celebrating with my teammates

After a great play we did together.

My palms sweaty.

Smiling so hard

Because I am overcome with pure joy

Of doing the thing I love most,

Playing volleyball with my team.

In the future I am

Taking a nice vacation to the beach.

Hearing the oceans crash

And tasting the saltwater air.

Watching the sunset

Over the horizon,

While sitting on the warm beach sand.

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