The Ocean | Teen Ink

The Ocean

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I stand on the edge 

of the cold salty water

my feet cold as ice cubes

 seaweed occasionally 

washed up on the East beach.

 The white sand here is 

soft as a pillow

 my rough feet burrow into it

A wave round like a small hill

 washes away all the footprints

and  fills the air with salt 

that stings the eyes.

I wade into the water

the uneven sandbars,

deep canyons in the water,

 trip me up

the ocean seemed calm

 The water here is 

warmer and shallower.

 White, pearlessence fish 

swim by in large groups

looking like underwater clouds.

 I only stop

 when jagged rocks 


sharp as a shark’s fin

The waves crash against them

crash crash crash.

The author's comments:

This was based off of my trip to a Mexican Beach.

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