Us Forever | Teen Ink

Us Forever

May 17, 2024
By DHorne BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
DHorne BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a constant state of emotional flux
My brain, an agent of chaos, sowing discord
You bring elation and order to the eye of the storm

The harbinger of joy to my hectic days
A smile that lights rooms and a laugh that fills hearts
A passion like none other, dedication to yourself

Your tangents on topics I know nothing about
Your smiles as you go on and on I sit and I listen, wanting to be nowhere else

Your talents and your skills, ever so awe-inspiring I feel jealous and lucky, unable to do but privileged to witness

Unable to have but so blessed to know
Unlikely to meet but all the better for it

All in all, if there is a god
You are my one good thing

The author's comments:

Hey! My name is Devin. I am senior in highschool who plays volleyball and likes playing video games on my Xbox and Nintendo Switch. I wrote this as a confession for my friend who I am 99% sure likes me back. I am planning to give her this as a suprise after I submit this. I hope you enjoy and wish me luck :)

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