Words | Teen Ink


May 17, 2024
By Anonymous


(n.) delusions of happiness  


We have searched for happiness 

In the wrong places

And in the wrong things  


Believing we can buy it,

Own it, 

Control it 


But we cant 


Control  means 

We won't ever enjoy it 


They way were supposed to 

We carve a constant feeling 

But without it’s contrast 

The feeling 

The state of being

Loses its meaning. 





















(n.) a place which you can disappear ; a hiding place 


Maybe it’s a person, 


Or somewhere 

Deep inside your mind. 

Where you've hidden 

Every  part of you there is to love 

Behind your  eyes 

The world is questioned 

It’s redesigned 

But we won't know 

Your plans 

As you have disappeared 

Away from my stare 

Away from their eyes 

Somewhere where 

You no longer have to hide 

but your alone

In there 

The author's comments:

I write poetry usually based on the events of my life and words was something that I wrote because an old friend used to tell me about his favorite words and do research about wired and unique words. So when he moved away I was inspired by his favorite words. 

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