False Narrative | Teen Ink

False Narrative

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Our worlds are no different

A breath in and out is the same as hers

A step forward identical to his 

We are no different 

Yet somehow the rules pick and choose who they'll apply to

Society built on a foundation named unrealistic expectations 

You are a guy

Hold back those emotions 

Those tears reflect upon weakness

Show some strength, be a man

Your 6 feet tall and 2 inches 

And not playing basketball ?

Judgment only roars if your hobbies don't require a field 

Or a court. It would be embarrassment for you to 

audition for the school musical

And that's only because real men play sports

 you are a girl 

Putting all that makeup on ruins your beauty

They like the natural look. 

Which intrigues me because those boys don’t 

even know what natural looks like. 

As long as they can’t see to much makeup

As long as your hair is layed, perfect curls, long and straight

As long as you fit their desire. 

You are a guy

Talk to girls but don’t get attached

Screw them over because you wont marry them in the end

Gather multiple bodies 

to prove your a king

To prove you hold power 

To prove to your friends you get play 

but you are a girl

Been in a few relationships 

Shared a few kisses

And dare have a few bodies

Those so called kings view you as peasants 

As if they hold so much self respect 

we are people

for my expectations to be pretty and perfect 

for your expectations to be strong and powerful 

society is built off of lies that we are forced to accept 

yet I would do anything to fight against 

because no one will tell me who I am 

or how I'm supposed to be.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to talk about false expectations males and females experience. There are double standards set in this world that impact teenagers and adults. However, people should be condifent within themselves.

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This article has 1 comment.

acmoore said...
on Jul. 8 at 5:24 pm
acmoore, Pikesville, Maryland
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By Myself, Allie Moore