My Enemy, Time | Teen Ink

My Enemy, Time

May 20, 2024
By ari_benji32 BRONZE, West Friendship, Maryland
ari_benji32 BRONZE, West Friendship, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear time,

Your inability to be punctual is often unfortunate

A stone at my desk, with paper in front of me

I watch you dash across the daunting timekeeper that dangles on the wall

Pencil in hand at a contrasting stalemate

Positioned on the page like a sprinter at the starting line

Hearing the cautioning clicks of your feet as you race faster and faster, leaving me in your dust

Why must you be in such a rush?

Are you punishing me for countless circumstances where I sit, bored,  begging for your quicker arrival?

Oh time

Please you must understand

I was merely just trying to hurry through the lesson plan but… 

Why am I in such a rush?

My alarm, a gunshot

My feet dig into the ground behind me, throwing me forward

Blurred images of what is there, passing by

Keeping my head glued to the ground, trying to deny

The fact that Time

You are a filter on my world

Forcing me to only see black and  white

I fly through the blindness, grabbing at anything that passes, hoping something will stop this stressful cycle that spirals my sentience and separates me from this society, Time {pause}

I beg for your looming nature

I need more of you so I can make up for all that I took for granted

Fumbled friendships, misused moments, and gluttonized good memories

I seek delay that I once knew you for 

During long, laboring lessons in school

I seek delay that I once knew you for 

During grim, grueling practices

I ask your irresponsible lateness be punctual at moments I need it most

Although I know you are the tempered tempo that is resistant and stubborn too

No matter how much someone might try to change you

You are time

Ticking and taunting me

I ask you this favor

Give me more of you for I will never take you for granted again


The Repetitive Racer

The author's comments:

Lately, it has become more clear how fast time has been moving. It seemed like just yesterday I was playing on the playground with my childhood best friend. Now, I'm trying to figure out what college I'd like to attend. I wanted to write this piece so others could relate to the feeling of there not being enough time, as well as remind people to slow down, enjoying the small things in life.

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