YOU | Teen Ink


May 22, 2024
By xandermetzger07 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
xandermetzger07 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You stand over the body 

Dripping weapon in your hand

I don't know why you did it

Help me understand 

You plunged the knife in deep

Showing no mercy

You just destroyed it all

You ruined all the history 

You destroyed what he cared for

You ruined all he had

You really messed him up

You messed him up real bad 

You stood over his body 

You were as cold hearted as Jack the Ripper

You ruined his idea of love

Now his heart feels like a black river

His heart cried out for you 

You ignored his pleads

You stood there holding the knife

You just loved to watch him bleed 

You didn't know or you didn't care

You chopped his head clean off and grabbed him by the hair

Whether your intentions were good or inflicted with misery, it does not matter 

For it hurts greatly because the body that you killed, was me. 

The author's comments:

i wrote this piece my freshman year of high school and it is still one of my favorite pieces i've ever written three years later. I wrote this about a person I had a crush on that really hurt me and I needed a way to express my emotions. The theme of this piece is blaming someone else, putting all he blame on the other person. The reason YOU is so empathized is because the speaker wants to push all of the blame onto the other person even if it is also their fault, they do not want to take responsibility. it can only be the other persons fault and never their own, i truly hope that comes across as you read through my writing. 

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on Jun. 13 at 2:40 am
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is deep. Great work