Five Forever | Teen Ink

Five Forever

May 22, 2024
By taniyaxriley BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
taniyaxriley BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When a child is born, the family celebrates

A mother and father look down, filled with joy

They would do anything to protect their new baby boy

When a child is born, they are watched with great care

They are fed and rocked and loved throughout their days 

Shielded from the burden of the worlds maze 

After a child is born, they eventually grow up

But that doesn’t take away from the love

A family remains together, strong in blood

After a child is born, they start to do more

Making rash decisions, they don’t think things out

But as they learn, they begin to sprout 


After a child is born, they go off on their own

So parents must pay close attention

It's their job to do any danger prevention 

After a child is born, no one expects

A sudden crash that shakes the earth 

A mother's pain much worse than giving birth 

After a child is born, they are supposed to live

They have more children of their own

They are never supposed to leave their parents alone 

But when a child dies, a mother and father sit

Around a small birthday cake with no celebration 

A dim room filled with despair 

And empty hearts that they cannot bear

The disappearing presence of their young boy's laughter

The disappearing presence of their family bond

The disappearing presence of their love

And a five-year-old boy who can only watch from above

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by the tragic knowledge of mortality, even within the happiest circumstances. 

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