Crowns | Teen Ink


May 22, 2024
By KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
KariysaJ_ BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A crown is given at birth
To anyone and everyone on planet earth
Some are as straight as a line
Swish! Swish! it moves all the time.

Some are wavy like the waves of the ocean,
The wind will give it motion.
Woosh! Woosh! it goes
The wind is all those crowns might know

Some are curly like the coils on springs,
They bounce and bounce with no ends.
Often the noise goes unnoticed
Listen closely then you’ll truly be in hypnosis.

Boing! Bounce! the curls forever go,
A unique sound that some will never know
The coils that fall down on our heads,
Stay forever as our journey’s plan out ahead

I find courage on the crown that I own,
Falling like endless loops you’d be sliding on alone.
Despite them going- Bounce! Boing!
The repeated sound is what keeps me going.

I won’t be discouraged by the Boing! Bounce!
The noise will continue without any remorse
Other crowns can’t make such noise
So why should I care about who my crown annoys?

I’ll put my crown on right up where it belongs
Flowing down on my head lifelong.
Boing! Boing! Bounce! Bounce!
Let’s you know my crown is announced.

The author's comments:

Hope you enjoyed! <3

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