photographs | Teen Ink


May 22, 2024
By Anonymous

imagine a patchwork quilt

each and every square something different 

something special

sewn on by hand and embroidered by heart

all the squares giving the quilt a story

do you ever wonder about those tall woden poles

that mark the streets as you walk

staples and pins of every color shape and size 

pressed into the wood, all used to uphold 

something, once upon a time

its so peaceful to hear the birds

mixed with the crunch of gravel or grass underfoot

as the sun shines bright

to try and photograph every moment in my life

proves to be impossible,

and yet I try because all these moments i 

cherish within my mind, wishing to revisit them

to reach out and touch the smile on my face

or hold the giggles to my chest

to try and photograph every moment in my life

proves to be impossible, so they become a part of me instead

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