I am not the perfect girl | Teen Ink

I am not the perfect girl

May 23, 2024
By Anonymous

I am not the perfect girl-

I am not what u think i am

I am not gentle or graceful

I stomp around when I walk and I can never stand still

I am not shy and quiet 

I love to talk and when I do I talk loud

I am not dumb or ditzy 

I enjoy reading and writing, I like to solve problems and learn new things

I am not who u think i am

I am not the perfect girl

I burp after i drink beers and I brag about my bruises and scars 

I am not a perfect wife 

I cant cook much and I hate to clean

I am not yours 

I do not listen to your rules

I am sure when you realize this you’ll tell me i've changed 

That I'm not the person I was before,

Or I'm not the person you fell in love with,

But ive always been the same.

And theres no such thing as a perfect girl.

describe what the perfect girl is, relatable and funny 


liked the stereotypes and the repetition 

subtle rhyme 

“dumb and ditzy” liked the sound

description of the person it’s about

another realization before the end, embrace the i’m not ur perfect girl i am a perfect girl

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