Fire | Teen Ink


May 23, 2024
By amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
amnavarro01 SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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why are people so scared of death? because I love it does that make me a freak? death sound comforting and sweet.

Fire is beautiful 
It dances across the sky 
It waves across the ocean  
When I stare it puts on a special show 
Just for me  
It says hello 
And when it leaves, a special goodbye 
But don’t touch it  
It fears everything so it burns 
But don't worry  
It will keep you warm 
So drop in and say hi  
Watch its dance it tells a story 
Of love 
Of hate  
Of trust 
Of betrayal 
Oh what beauty. 

The author's comments:

I don't know and I was bored so I wrote this

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