Is this really what we were made for? | Teen Ink

Is this really what we were made for?

May 23, 2024
By gn_ BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
gn_ BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is this really what we were made for?

To hurt and to grieve,

To cry and be pained by everyone and everything,

To meet people just to lose them,

To hope when there is nothing to hope for? 

To fear the unknown, but know

You cannot go on without facing it,

To feel lonely even when there is 8 billion humans on this earth? 

Is this really what we were made for? 

To self criticize everything you do while

Worrying about what others think of you. 

The awkwardness of seeing others,

The bitter feeling you get when your friends become better friends 

With someone new,

To despair when there is no one to help you, 

To feel empty when you are alone. 

But why are you alone? 

There are 8 billion humans on this earth, 

So why can you not face anyone at all? 

Is this really what we were made for? 

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