English Nine | Teen Ink

English Nine

May 23, 2024
By PigeonPuffs BRONZE, Cheyenne, Wyoming
PigeonPuffs BRONZE, Cheyenne, Wyoming
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes love if the scariest thing we can encounter, it is the monster at the end of the book.

I always hated Romeo and Juliet

Reading it in school was like running the mile in gym

I hated every second of it

Because who would die for love?

It seemed irrational and irelevent 

Just words on a page confessing love to imagination

Until i met you.

Two people destined to be opposed 

Finding connection in the smallest ways

Like holding hands in the middle of a plane

And little napkin sketches.

It wasnt easy to love you

But i did none the less

Its the best thing i ever did with my life

With you life feels safer

And death feels further away.

I always hated Romeo and Juliet

But that being said,

I would happily die for you.

-English Nine

The author's comments:

He was my best friend, but grew into so much more.

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