We Won’t Talk Again | Teen Ink

We Won’t Talk Again

May 23, 2024
By Anonymous

The teacher assigned us new seats

I’m right next to you,

And you’re right next to me

We’ve never spoken before

But you act like we’re best friends

Sometimes even more than that

You cheat off of me during quizzes

I don’t mind

I enjoy your presence

We make each other laugh

At this point you’re my other half

You steal my airpods and claim it wasn’t you

You friends are laughing

Mine are too

Do you talk to them about me

As much as I do about you?

I’m glad we met

Though this has happened before

Where I met someone

Then we never talked again

Are you different?

The exams are nearing

On the outside I’m cheering

But on the inside I’m going “damn

I follow you on instagram

So we still remember each other

The semester is over

I haven’t seen you in months

We walk by each other

No eye contact was made

I know we won’t talk again

I knew this would happen

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