A Never Ending Cycle | Teen Ink

A Never Ending Cycle

May 23, 2024
By emilykramer17 BRONZE, Clive, Iowa
emilykramer17 BRONZE, Clive, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cry 

I cover it up 

Wipe away the tears 

And slide on a smile 

Then I really smile 

Then it happens again 

I cry

& I just cover it up 

a never ending cycle 

The author's comments:

This piece was one I wrote when I was going through a hard time. It was roughly three years ago, I felt very alone, and was depressed. But I liked to pretend that I was okay to other people. This "cycle" felt never ending and for the longest time I didn't think I'd get out of the sadness. But I finally did and even though this was a hard time in my life, it's important for me to look back and know I got through it. 

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