Impossible? | Teen Ink


May 23, 2024
By talynslater BRONZE, Norwalk, Iowa
talynslater BRONZE, Norwalk, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the sky lies two lovers, 

Separated by fate,

Intertwined by a cycle.

Constantly stuck together, 

Constantly pulled apart. 

Separated by time, 

Twelve hours behind each other. 

Attempts to get closer, only adds space between.

A love unrequited,

Blame the circumstance, of the cosmos. 

Polar opposites, 

An optimist and a pessimist.

Half full, half empty. 

Cutting corners for his love, 

The pessimist shortens his cycle. 

Unknown to the optimist, 

The sacrifices made, 

For an opportunity.

Playing chance, waiting for the moment, 

When his sacrifice pays off. 

Hoping for, 

The greatest surprise to the optimist,

The look on her face. 

With the sacrifice made,

They bump into each other, In the street. 

The optimist doesn’t realize the weight,

That this meeting is occurring, 

Or the changes made. 

Realizing what the pessimist did, 

The optimist turns, 

She yells into the void, praying he’s still around. 

The void only yells back,  

With nobody occupying its space. 

So the optimist, she waits,

For him to come back

While she waits, for him to come back,

He anxiously paces around the world, 

With nothing but his sacrifice, praying it’s worth it. 

With the sacrifice made, 

They bump into each other, in the street, once more. 

Her eyes go wide, his heart races,

They stand, frozen, after all this time, 

Bringing each other in, their embrace, an eclipse. 

In the cosmos, no love stays impossible, 

It always finds a way, without a doubt.

The author's comments:

I don't have much to say about this, sun, moon, unrequited love, it is a Hawaiian myth, and I really liked the idea, so I ran with it. 

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