Cling | Teen Ink


May 23, 2024
By Anonymous

The sharp knife of simplicity 

cut a transverse incision through my scalp. 

The hands of hope gutted out my psyche, 

deconstructed my mind, 

and organized it into a fat, coherent tumor

that filled the gap once so deep in my brain. 


Taught to have nothing thoughts and empty prayers, 

which was once so overcomplicated 

to witness from distant, instigating eyes. 

When I would stare at paper 

just to see a blank page ready to be congested

and crowded with the temporary potential that lives everywhere. 


I waited for the possibilities to be printed out before me,

but none of them ever came. 

I tried to interpret particles as strings

and claimed motion behind the stillest of things. 

But all of my forced theories slipped into the dust of insecurity

and washed away into the pool of vanity. 


But no longer am I maneuvering 

through the thick grime of seldom places. 

No longer do I act strange and unwieldy 

as a newborn child; observing silently. 

And no longer am I treading in water, 

wishing for the security of seabed to appear at my feet. 


Now I am one with the roads that take me 

to the destinations that I crave to go. 

I am one with the timeline that travels from 

one interval to the next. 

I am one with the ambition a wave possesses 

when it’s pushed to the sand of shore; that single endpoint.


That deadline that will never be met. 

That faraway range of probabilities 

never to be considered nor contemplated. 

The discoveries never to be made

and the affairs never to be had. 

The boats that have capsized before ever meeting land. 


It all fades away before me. 

Shedding off unneeded layers that consumed my life. 

Unraveling and revealing the fundamental nature of humanity. 

Compressed into a hot light of quiet clarity, 

compact and intact with the buoyant atmosphere around me. 

Once so full of dread and suffocating thoughts. 


Constantly and comfortably, 

I am consistently confident

that the present day will continue

to bring coherence, certainty, and calmness

to the storms that will carry onward

when I am no longer clinging onto the 

complex consequences of the future. 

The author's comments:

This poem is about changing the way you view things and focusing on the simplicity of life rather than thinking about the possibilities. 

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