what have we become? | Teen Ink

what have we become?

May 23, 2024
By maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22" -Swift and Bridgers, Nothing New (2021)

People don’t recognize

The sheer power of the human mind;

The philosophical idea of free will;

Our creations and inventions,

Lengthening our lifespan,

And the endless possibilities of ideas–

We live in the ignorant bliss of our puissance.

The ability to create, the power to communicate,

The indomitable human spirit has yet to be crushed.

But we ignore and push away

The entities that make us human.

We’ve turned our backs 

On the enrichment of our lives,

Putting the purpose of our existence

Into the hands of our innovations.

We live for the green–

Working endlessly,

Refusing to seek joy

What have we become?

The arts: Once a position of reverence,

Now an analogy for struggle

We give up what we love

In return for what we need.

But how do we know what we need?

When our emotional well-being has never been so grim,

And our love for one another ceases to exist;

When our passion for life diminishes in itself, 

When will we find our breaking point?

So our existence and our actions begs the question:

Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

The author's comments:

This piece is filled with commentary about the current state of our world and how we act as a society; taking the human out of humanity 

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