Mother Nature’s Wrath | Teen Ink

Mother Nature’s Wrath

May 23, 2024
By maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22" -Swift and Bridgers, Nothing New (2021)

The wrath of Mother Nature

Is like no other

For She doesn’t seek Her battles…

She wears the cloak of a pacifist

While Her siren-like soul

Craves satisfaction of avenging Her world,

Luring in all who sought to destroy.

A child-like tug of war, 

The players seek to win;

The players of the Anthropocene,

They pull at the ropes of life

Until one pulls too hard

While She watches the world observe the damage…

Nay, we become the damage:

The vindictive rise of Mother Nature

And her collateral damage.

Fallen under her trance, 

Too far gone are the lands,

Ravaged beyond repair…

But as you survive and gasp

When you kneel at her feet,

At Her mercy,

You beg for forgiveness

But you can’t return

For a Mother’s wrath is like no other.

When you hurt Her creation

And obliterate Her home,

The Matriarch of our world

Seeks to right our wrongs–

Rewrite our wrongs

To rewrite our fate.

“Pay for your harm”

She whispers

Her torrential anger

Reclaiming what was rightfully Hers.

But you can’t blame another fool

For the fault falls on you.

Scars left untreated,

Her body picked apart,

You’ve infected Her lifeline

And now the fallout lays to rest,

Contaminating your future

And of those destined to follow 

Soon after you.

The author's comments:

This piece surrounds itself with commentary regarding the poor treatment of our world and how mother nature is starting to fight back, and we’re seeing the consequences of our actions in real time.

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