Stop Comparing Yourself | Teen Ink

Stop Comparing Yourself

May 24, 2024
By Anonymous

Life is not problematical.

We make it problematical!

Because we’re all listening to someone else,

To something, without listening to ourselves. 

We clutter up our lives with insignificant things that have no value.

Since we always want what others want. 

But do you look at what you have and are happy with it?

Life has no limitation, but the one YOU make!

You have to be who you wanna be and don't EVER look back!

Live your life with NO SHAME and NO HATE!

The author's comments:

This poem is about listening to yourself instead of always listening to others. It makes us always want what others have and want to change when in reality we should be happy with how our life is. You don’t always have to change just to fit in. BE HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE!

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