This is what heart beating feels like | Teen Ink

This is what heart beating feels like

May 28, 2024
By shisan BRONZE, Beijing, Other
shisan BRONZE, Beijing, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who blew away the clouds from your face

Baring your rosy blush   

When nostrils scented your fragrance

When arms yearned to open and embrace

When closed eyes imagined your hazy form

It seems a cello should echo by my ear

Notes swaying grey and blue

We perched on the green train, drifting with the breeze   

My hand on your back 

Feeling the rising, falling beat

Whose heartbeat is this?

I tap my heart 

It says 

I can't tell    

Night has fallen   

But eyes closed   

Hear blue and white waves lapping shore

A faint taste of salt drifting into my nose    

Soaring higher and higher

Brushing away clamor's dispersing echoes          

Feet planted on damp sand 

Perhaps broken shells underfoot

Tongue tasting curved words     

Vinyl spinning round and round

Waves come and go, teasing, inviting a dance 

The surf's murmurs            

Look up          

Golden stars piercing the black vault 

Mirroring families’ clustered lights above 

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