a tale of the sun & the moon | Teen Ink

a tale of the sun & the moon

May 28, 2024
By izzyamelie BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
izzyamelie BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The darkness engulfs me,

the stars encase me,

pretty smoke falls from my domain.

I light up the night when my opposite has fled,

back to the depths of that fiery hell he revels in.

My soul is dark, some say,

but they don’t know that I am only dark

so my opposite can see the light.

I die so he can breathe,

I make myself invisible so he can shine.

Does the sun love the moon?

No one knows.

Does the moon love the sun?

Only time will tell,

but I,

I can tell you the secret of it.

Only love could make one so self-sacrificing

to exist as the enemy for the other to be the hero.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by an article I read once, about Greek mythology, in which the sun and the moon were described to be inextricably intertwined forever and forever but destined to always live apart; only their cycles, their lives and deaths relied upon each other. And it got me thinking, what if the sun and the moon were lovers? What if it was a type of Romeo-Juliet style relationship, but instead, only the moon truly sacrificed for the sun? And of those ideas was this piece born.

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