Reaching for the Sun | Teen Ink

Reaching for the Sun

May 30, 2024
By bob74 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
bob74 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 12 comments

I planted my feet on the sand, feeling the crunch beneath them

My palms met the grainy floor, fingers spread out as my nails dug into it

The rainfall damped the sand lightly, but my determination would not be deterred 

I lifted my body towards the sky, lifting my face towards the pit of sand across from me

Legs sprang up, sprinting and soon jumping into the heavy air

My feet slipped on the mushy sand, falling face first and eating the cement-like grains

Sitting up, I looked to the sky as I wiped the sand from my mouth

The sun glanced at me, its warm rays comforting my tired body

The clouds cleared up and I felt all of it at once

The cheers of the crowd as I ran,

My teammates roaring screams as I leaped, 

My coach’s hat soaring into the air along with my body

Giving up now was not an option

I brought my calloused feet onto the sand again, setting my body in position

I ran, leaping to the point where the sun’s encouraging arms around my entire body

This time no fall came as I landed firmly on the sand

A smile tugged on my lips, knowing I had finally touched the sun

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