Etched in my Heart | Teen Ink

Etched in my Heart

May 30, 2024
By _sunshine_ SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
_sunshine_ SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I did not forget you.

For a second, you slipped

from my inebriated mind.

My crossed body

weeped for you,

begged for you back.

I did not forget you.

I don’t know how

to believe your death.

I try every day to remember

the scruff on your face,

the rasp of your voice.

I did not forget you.

My rock.

My shield,

though that protection

was often hidden by anger

and your narcissistic ways.

I did not forget you.

If ever a time comes,

I hope I face God’s wrath.

I hope that my heart gives out

and my body becomes limp,

so that my life with you

can flash before my eyes 

once more.


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