Amidst the chaos | Teen Ink

Amidst the chaos

June 4, 2024
By Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't know
What I had fallen on
Either the cannons approach me
Or the bullets aiming my forehead

Where my shoes are lost
along with my feet,
my eyes forgot to seek
as tears wet my cheeks

I don't know,
despite of my living mind,
what had cracked my drums
Neither the shrills of pellets
Nor the mourns of thousands,

The only thing I know is ,
'It's my land, where I grew,
proud to be born here'.

The author's comments:

This poem evokes a powerful and poignant image of chaos and loss, perhaps in the context of war or conflict. The feelings of confusion, pain, and a deep connection to one's homeland are vividly expressed. Here's a refined version that maintains the original emotion and intensity:


I don't know
What I had fallen on,
Either the cannons approach me
Or the bullets aim at my forehead.



This version keeps the raw emotion and vivid imagery while smoothing out some of the phrasing for clarity and impact.

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