An apple a day | Teen Ink

An apple a day

June 4, 2024
By aps27 BRONZE, Canton, Massachusetts
aps27 BRONZE, Canton, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An apple a day keeps the doctor away,

unless your aim is bad. He might feel

under the weather, but you’ll be over the moon.

What happens when you count your eggs after they’ve cracked?

It is a curse, or perhaps

a blessing in a bottle? 

Do the cracked eggs simply disappear,

or do they wind up somewhere?

Conceivably, they may be in cake batter.

I’m doubling the recipe 

so I can have mine and eat it too.

Birds of a feather shed together, but don’t bank on that

Lest you miss three with two stones

and your doctor still has a headache.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this based off of an exercise in my writing workshop class where we had to "disrupt idioms". I thought this was really fun and creative so I turned some of my ideas into a playful yet thought-provoking piece challenging the idea of idioms as we know them.

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