Drought of peace | Teen Ink

Drought of peace

June 4, 2024
By Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They believed we had enough,
Yet still, we languished in drought—

Not of food,
Not of rain,
But of peace.

To be the remedy,
Little did they care.
To no happiness
Did we whisper loneliness.

Stories you've heard
Run through my head—
Boots struck my skull
When bread, did I have.

The author's comments:

This poem "Drought of Peace" is haunting and thought-provoking, capturing the harsh reality of living without peace. The imagery of scarcity juxtaposed with violence is particularly striking. 

Stories you've heard
Run through my head—
Boots struck my skull
When bread was all I had.


This version maintains the impact and emotion of your original poem while refining the rhythm and clarity of the language.

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