Resilient Hearts and Hidden Stories | Teen Ink

Resilient Hearts and Hidden Stories

June 4, 2024
By Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
Swaba22 BRONZE, Kottakkal, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shall I tell you

 of the olives growing on my land,

of droplets of innocent blood,

of hidden stories in her heart?


How the days pass me by,

where hopes are kept secret.

I, a poor soul, weeping with a portrait:

'a boy standing in a desert street '.


When I sowed the seeds

in my land, covering slashes and pains,

will it belong to me forever,

or survive the dawn of landing eve?


We, the people,

whose hearts never give up,

until the last breath,

we never bow our knees.

The author's comments:

This poem evokes a deep sense of reflection, resilience, and the enduring connection to one's land and history.

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