The Boy Who Had It All | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Had It All

June 4, 2024
By niceonstixks BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
niceonstixks BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Where are they now? The Boy Who Had It All.”

Don’t refer to me as that like everything was handed to me, my life was as hard as yours.

How did I have it all when I started out with nothing?

You can say I had all the potential and the opportunity,

So did all my peers, what was so special about me?

“Oh, you’re not trying hard enough.”

“Oh, you weren’t doing your best.”

Please, how can you tell me how good and how bad I can be?

Don’t act like you never messed up before,

We’re all human after all none of us are perfect,

You breathe the same as me, eat the same as me,

Your feces stink the same as me who are you to critique me?

Are you gonna do this when I’m gone?

When I’m gone?




I’m Gone.

When I’m gone.

When I’m gone, what will I be remembered for?

When I’m gone, will I be remembered for being me? _______?

Or will I be remembered as The Boy Who Had It All?

The author's comments:

This is a very personal piece for me. It's mainly about the expectations a lot of people have for me. People are always telling me that I have potential and that I can do better and it genuinely pisses me off. They don't know me or what I go through. That's why I wrote this.

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