School to Summer | Teen Ink

School to Summer

June 4, 2024
By Anonymous

As the end of the school year rolls around

Everything begins to taste bittersweet

The morning muffins are no longer characterized 

by the dread of going to class

The lunch pizza is still greasy 

Yet is missing that relief of a break from class

Summer is nearly here but I can’t help shake the feeling

That this is just a break between paragraphs

The end of sophomore year, 

Yet it’s the middle of high school

The beginning of summer, 

Yet my bag is filled with papers and papers of summer work

Sleeping in everyday

Yet I have a job that I still have to wake up for

Nevertheless, I feel a weight off my shoulders

No more late nights filled with essays

No more studying for chapter tests

Or slightly reviewing for small quizzes

No more creeping deadlines

However, this is only for quick three months

Then, we’re right back to it

This is hardly an end, 

But it’s not a beginning either

It’s simply the middle 

Of the rest of my life

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