Water | Teen Ink


June 4, 2024
By Anonymous

like a river maneuvering, finding its course

people evolve, driven by hopes, an unseen


droplets of wisdom, like morning dew guide

the path of change, becoming renewed

storms may rage, yet waters run deep don't 

be overwhelmed or frightened, there is 

fortress beneath, where the thunders can't reach

just like people, water persits

carving new ways, where new patterns can 


so let the river of time gracefully flow, there

is no rush to growth, as plants may know

as rain on fertile soil, produces plants and 

wonderful flowers may we humans bloom

and reconcile, so we too,

can produce those plentiful powers

struggles reflect where memories sleep, and 

water reflects, so we may see the hidden

beauty, underneath those streams, 

that prosper and glow so that we may know,

how much we have grown. ` 

The author's comments:

This poem is something that people can relate to for all ages. Its a poem about growth, how we should except change and be okay with taking new directions. Also, that no path is linear and sometimes is rocky. 

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