Public Love in Public Places | Teen Ink

Public Love in Public Places

June 5, 2024
By Diamond_Cam BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
Diamond_Cam BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

While the thought of Public love may be very Abhor to us in school in actual public, it’s much more accepted but I’m not exactly with the people that dislike it either(foreshadowing). The idea of kissing or making out in school isn’t a new thing it’s a concept as old as dust if you think about it, when we watch movies we see it everywhere. Either it be the main character kissing his wife goodbye as he goes off to war, or a cartoon character like when Mickey Mouse got a kiss from Minnie Mouse after a long date like they always go on(imagery).

The thing about kissing is, that it can happen anywhere, and I know some kids at Arrowhead are very candid about kissing in school cause they find it; “Disgusting, Revolting, off-putting.”(Dialogue) while I may be one of them cause I can agree that kissing in school isn’t a pretty sight to see along with many other kinds of affection done in school it doesn’t feel like this is the place for it. But, to argue for the people for it I can see why they do it, sometimes you just need a mood booster when at such a place like school which kids don’t like coming to school. So giving someone you love affection or kissing while in school can be like an escape to them.

My impetus to writing for the side of kissing in public is pretty simple, we see it all the time, at Fancy dinners, at the movies even I have an example like the time when we were at Disney World and my parents gave each other pecks on the lips(flashback). I think all of this comes down to conveying the thought I think about it cause what I think about kissing in public is that it’s an okay thing, in my quick right I fully seemed I was completely against kissing in public when really I wanted to do it with my boyfriend all the time(Irony). However, sometimes kissing in public is a little too much, like when I talked about my parents just giving slight pecks on the lips, if it was a full-blown kiss it would’ve been uncomfortable, and I can see and understand why some people don’t like it small gestures of affection seem more okay cause they are quick but not noticeable while long kisses or making out in the school hallways everyone is going to see so there’s an aspect of embarrassment to seeing that in school(Paradox). 

In conclusion, while the thought of public kissing may be very Abhor to us in school, in public places it is normal to kiss or give signs of affection. 

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