venus | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

part one. 


venus already moves backward.

she twirls and spins, holding the hand of the world and pulling them into a dance–inescapable though no one wants to escape it, not unless they’re insane.

she’s so pretty that she makes everyone else look pretty with her, and when she looks at me, she loves me so when i look at u, i love u.

and it didn’t matter that she came from the ocean seas, ripped from the grotesque body of a titan 

even if that may be the reason that dirt stains what could’ve been the purest of loves

because the world says that balance is inevitable

and the world says that venus’ dance is so enticing that their view closes around them and turns them stupid.

part two.

venus is temperamental.

she refuses to be characterized in one way. as she traveled across lands, she changed and didn’t change all at once and at different intervals.

once her hair was sleek, another day it was matted. 

once she was a jealous mother, another day she was an unloyal spouse, another day she was a perfect lover.

i knew this, but he didn’t. he clung to every part of venus and begged for her help. he needed her for someone that wasn’t me, but if venus is not easy to understand, how did he expect her to give him only the purest parts of her? how did he expect her willing help when she is complicated and he is wrong?

when i told him she was temperamental, he considered it an insult. he said that if i voiced this, venus will pull from her dance, but i know her nature.

i embrace her entirety. i recognize her curves, eyes, and hair, no matter how they may look at any given time when time is not even a straight line.

i want to drown in her even if that means taking her unholiest parts because balance is inevitable.

u said so urself.

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