Troubles of Faith | Teen Ink

Troubles of Faith

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

Complete trust of something meaningful that you believe in
It’s our ideology of life
We don’t seem to talk about it often
People have different ideas of it
Different religions and through that different morals and values
Even though it is a hard topic to grasp
Talking about it won’t hurt
On the contrary
It will make us feel more alive
Understanding each other on a deeper level
It is how we see life and why we see life that way
How we live it because of those ideologies
Worshiping our beliefs
Deep but meaningful
Fulfillment to our souls
To go through life having something to grab on to
Although different in everyone still beautiful and full of life
It’s the way we think
It’s the way we live
It’s the way to feel like you belong to something even bigger than you

The author's comments:

This poem is about how Faith is something very significant in everyone’s life and should be talked about more often among us. 

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